
LO-1 essay

The origin and 'ages' of human's living
200,000 years ago a human species emerged in south Africa.
2. 14,000 years ago, a worthwide humanrace existed
-Earliest prehistoric age is the Paleolithic age.
-New stone age was marked by advanced tool making and the beginning of agriculture.
-initially, humans were parts of migratory groups which hunted, fished and gathered plants for food.
The agricultural revolution
-Also known as hte Neolithic Revolution, This was a shift from itinerant hunting to more permanent
settlements  centered on agriculture (begging in southwestern Asia)
- population rose due to in creased ability to care for young children.
- Hierarchies appeared in Villagelife, hte status of women was lowered as women were confined mor eto domestic duties.
- Invention of wheel and plow made if possible to produce enough food for storage.
-Villagers were polytheists, or shipped multiple nature, human and animal gods.

