
What we do on 1/31/2013

Today, we study Egyptian history. Maybe talk about their life, Egyptian geography, pyramids etc.
It has got a very important river which is called Nile. Managing the river required technological breakthrough in irragation.
People's level is the most important thing. It has got eight different. They are slave/servant, famar, artisan, merchant, scribe, soldier, goverment officials/ noble priest and pharaoh. Pharaoh is the only one King for Egypt. Then at last, we talk about their job or their definitions.

Difference of human before prehistory and human in the agricultural revolutions

Difference of human before prehistory and human in the agricultural revolutions

As you know, most of the human’s lives are suitable nowadays. However do you know that human’s life in the prehistory and in the agricultural revolutions. There are a lot of differences.

From my point of view, the difference is that in the prehistory, earliest prehistoric age is the Paleolithic age (Old Stone Age).  Human gather together to become a part of groups which hunted, fished and gathered plants food. It is not living. It just likes surviving. They do not know how to feed the animal. And it is difficult for them to breed the baby. Or they do not know that they have too store the food or vegetables in the house. It causes them have got food to eat in the Winter. Therefore, at that time, Human’s population is too low. And continue to decrease. But, in the agricultural revolutions—— the Neolithic Revolutions (New Stone Age), this is a shift from itinerant hunting or gathering to more permanent settlements centered on agriculture. Population rise due to increased ability to take care of the young children. I think human’s education first emerges or embodies at that time. Hierarchies appears in village life, the status of women is lowered as women are confined more to domestic duties. Invention of wheel and plow make it possible to produce enough food for storage. Villagers were polytheists, worshipped multiple nature, human and animal gods.  

In conclusion, compare with these two different ages. We know that a lot human gather to be a part of group or living in the village is the most outstanding difference. We trust that human’s life can be developed good or rapid via success.


Well, yesterday we just had a quiz. And I got 80 score is not too high.
I think I will try my best to do it in WC class.


LO-1 essay

The origin and 'ages' of human's living
200,000 years ago a human species emerged in south Africa.
2. 14,000 years ago, a worthwide humanrace existed
-Earliest prehistoric age is the Paleolithic age.
-New stone age was marked by advanced tool making and the beginning of agriculture.
-initially, humans were parts of migratory groups which hunted, fished and gathered plants for food.
The agricultural revolution
-Also known as hte Neolithic Revolution, This was a shift from itinerant hunting to more permanent
settlements  centered on agriculture (begging in southwestern Asia)
- population rose due to in creased ability to care for young children.
- Hierarchies appeared in Villagelife, hte status of women was lowered as women were confined mor eto domestic duties.
- Invention of wheel and plow made if possible to produce enough food for storage.
-Villagers were polytheists, or shipped multiple nature, human and animal gods.


What we say in the class yesterday

Well, today, Mr Shick. Let us to see the movie. Maybe, it talks about yhe human evolution or the
angricultural development evolution. Talks about 1 millions ago, human's life and the other ages human's life. Maybe the old stone age, of ne stone age.


Wensday's note

=.= Well, today we just see the review for last Friday. About 'the origin and ages of human being' and 'The agricultural revolution'. Also , we change the seat.
By the way, I think the seat is not suitble for me. 4 international students are sit together. I hope that you can change the seats.

What we do today for last Friday

Well, we first talk about the rules, and howto take the notes. Obviously, you can not take notes which are too long. Just below 8 or 10 words is ok. Then we do some practice, for instance, Mr Shick read the paragraph from 'WCIV', then we summerize the paragraph. We talk about how do human use tool, and their society with prehistory a milion years.